Championing the Barshi’s Dagdi Jowar Conservation and Value Addition in Maharashtra | Shantanu Patil’s Meloop Foods on its mission

The Dagdi Jowar! Dagdi jowar is an ancient variety and it has been cultivated from the beginning of the 19th century for over 100-120 years. The unique shape and size of the pod gave it the name Dagdi jowar. Dagdi is derived from Marathi language, Dagdi means stone. 

Barshi is a city located in the Solapur region of Maharashtra that boasts a rich heritage of cultivating indigenous varieties of crops. The normal annual rainfall in Barshi is low, and it is characterized as a frequently drought prone area.

Shantanu Patil, a millet enthusiast understood the true potential of Dagdi jowar from Barshi. In the year 2018, Shantanu along with Rutuja Patil established the Meloop Foods.

shantanu patil in fields

Shantanu says, “We hail from Solapur district of Maharashtra, where millets were a part and parcel of our lives. Over a period of time, the glory of Dagdi jowar started to shed. As a student in Environmental Entrepreneurship at Scotland, I was exposed to various sustainable business models. My thoughts evolved around Dagdi jowar, and its potential markets. This ultimately led to the incorporation of Meloop Foods

The distinctive feature of Dagdi Jowar pod benefits the farmers in many ways. Firstly, the pod disguises itself as a barrier. This prevents any attacks by insects or birds, reducing crop loss or disease. Secondly, even if the pod falls down, this pod ensures that no grains will be scattered. The features are the round and firm grain shaped like a stone. 

Moreover, the crop is known for its climate stress-tolerant feature, enabling it to grow even in harsh environments. Dagdi jowar is known to provide a nutritious diet: high in protein and fiber content. Additionally, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, gluten-free and can be digested easily. The crop can be used as animal feed and fodder also. 


The Meloop food facility strategically set its base at Gatachiwadi village near Barshi in Solapur district. This ensures consistent supply of high-quality Dagdi jowar and also provides a livelihood option for the local farmers and communities.

However, Meloop had faced its own setbacks: from COVID-19 pandemic, operational halts to  financial strain, the organisation had seen everything since its inception. The support from the ICAR-IIMR, the Maharashtra Agriculture Department, and programs like One District One Product,  and National Millet Mission program instrumental to keep them afloat. 

Nevertheless, Shantanu is suspicious about certain development projects such as pushing environmental clearances for sugarcane factory expansions in water-stressed regions as lack of cohesive planning and proliferation of soybean refineries is a threat to Barshi jowar farmers. Another key issue farmers are facing is manual harvesting is in practice despite high labor costs and no major automation in Dagdi jowar crop harvesting.

Grains empowers communities! In the case of Meloop Foods, it is a testament to innovation, community commitment, and environmental stewardship. The oganisation has set its future goals chartered. They are working on a carbon audit of Dagdi jowar to showcase its low environmental footprint. Next, ESG reporting partnership, strategic growth and expansion of business and product are on their list. 

To know more about Meloop, visit website

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