September 2022 brings us good news from our planet Earth. The chemicals that are depleting the ozone layer in the Earth’s stratosphere have actually dropped to half. This has helped the recovery of the ozone hole. This recovery leads to a positive impact on the climate, say researchers. It is said that the recovery of ozone is helping our planet to curb 2.5C of potential warming. This is a major achievement for us, as we celebrate this year’s World Ozone Day on 16th September 2022.

India’s bamboo story is a remarkable one. Annually the bamboo production in India is estimated at 3.23 million tonnes. We are ranked second as the largest cultivator of bamboo after China. Despite such impressive numbers, we contribute only 4 percent in the global bamboo trade and commerce. As people the world over are slowly switching to eco-friendly alternatives, bamboo products will be in great demand. Thus promoting bamboo is a cause for our sustainable future.

Tourism is a key employer for India and brings foreign remittances to our country. According to the Ministry of Tourism, the foreign tourist arrivals in March, 2022 recorded a positive growth rate of 177.9%. Experts opine that these numbers are all set to increase in the coming years.
These numbers will definitely help the economy to grow.
However, tourism itself is responsible for roughly 8% of the world’s carbon emissions. From flights to lodging, tourism contributes to carbon emission. Fascinatingly, tourism can help to reduce carbon emission and generate revenue. Carbon neutral tourism is one such new branch of tourism that is emerging with this noble objective. With more and more travellers setting out to explore the world, there is a need for such innovations to curb the tourism carbon footprint while bringing more tourists to a country.
We at The Ecopreneur celebrate the stories of ecopreneurs and bring such innovative solutions to the limelight.
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yes … thanks for the information shared and it is helpful